I'm almost done with Student Teaching! I have to go back Monday and Tuesday, but then I'll be free! Last week I turned the class back over to my teacher, so I've had a pretty laid back week. And also very boring! I thought I would really like not having to teach but I miss it! It makes the day go by so slow and I'm not used to being in charge of my kids lol. I spent the week observing other teachers, making copies, and grading papers and such. Oh and putting together my Teacher Work Sample-which is a huge project! I had my exit interview on Thursday, which is where I presented my work sample to my University Supervisor and another lady from BYU-Idaho. It went really well and I felt so stress free walking out of there. And also excited and very sad! Yes, sad. I will miss my sixth graders! I never thought I would hear those words come out of my mouth but it is true. I have become so attatched to them and feel like I was just getting the hang of things and then had to leave. That's how it always is, right? The last few months have been the most stressful and exhausting months of my life! But I feel so much more prepared to be a teacher and so much more confident in myself. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I want to be a teacher and can't wait to get started. I'm working on getting applications in everywhere and had my first interview a few weeks ago. It was with a charter school called Providence Hall. I really liked the school and the principal and would be happy to work there. We'll see how it goes. I know for all my millions of blog viewers out there that you're all dying to see something new on here, so here's a few pics of what I've been doing for the past three months.
I taught a unit on the Renaissance and had my kids make a map of the world out of play dough. They had to label the oceans, continents, and major mountain ranges. They loved it and I was so impressed with how well their maps turned out.

The sixth graders met their reading goal for the month so all the sixth grade teachers had to do something for the kids. We dressed up like hippies all day and at lunch time did a lip sync to 'California Deamin' by the Mommas and the Poppas. The kids loved it and the funniest thing was they ALL took out their cell phones and videod the whole thing!

This is me going to my first interview, I was so nervous!
Is it any surprise that I see Eden practically every day since I've moved here? We're best friends :) She always gets into my purse and plays with my tampons. So here she is...

Me and Shantae made a cake for Adam for his birthday. It was on Super Bowl Sunday and his teams was the Colts, so it worked out perfectly. Well would have if the Colts had won ha ha. 
My family went to Island Park for President's Day so here's a few pictures of the great weekend.

And of course I love being so close to my girls! And Michael ha ha.